a more detailed and bigger size click on the thumbnail

The build and playing technique
of the Dilrupa is similar to the Esraj (see there), but
has in comparison a larger, square resonance box. The
Dilrupa is altogether a little bigger than the Esraj.
The Dilrupa has 20 strings instead of 15, which produces
a richer sound.
like the Sitar, the basic note Sa is tuned between C and
D. See the following example for tuning and stringing
a Dilrupa, as it is supplied by us:
further information please click on the banner

offers on principle only high-qualtiy musical instruments.
This is made possible by close personal contact to the
suppliers and a strict selection of the instruments that
are included in our range of goods. We do not offer any
instruments which reach the west from unknown sources
via importers and which are often resold by middlemen
without any quality check and setting of the instrument.
The demand from the west is relatively high in India.
The purchase prices are negotiated to the lowest limit
by the western countries, especially for high ordered
quantities. This has effects on the required care and
circumspection in craftsmanship, on the experience and
mentality of the commissioned manufacturer and the use
of parts of the instruments that are often of a poor qualtity.
Irrespective of the qualification of the skill in craftsmanship,
this leads, in some cases, to results that do not deserve
the name instrument. Thus it is easily comprehensible
that it is essential, when bying an Indian instrument,
to know the sources. TARANG only supplies instruments
from indisputable sources. All instruments are delivered
adjusted and ready to be played.
Of course, we understand that somebody who purchases an
instrument is also dependent on accessories and spare
parts. Also in this respect we can satisfy the needs of
our customers. Should an instrument be defective at any
time, we can arrange for appropriate restoration. As a
rule we can deliver any instrument offered on our website
within 1 - 2 weeks. Our international lists of teachers
enable everybody to find information about a teacher in
their proximity. You can expect from us: reasonable prices,
prompt service and straightforward processing of purchase
and delivery.
financial aspect also has to be mentioned. Despite the
high quality we offer, we also do our best to offer you
these instruments at very competitive and reasonable prices.